Oxidized Bitumens

Oxidized bitumens are made by blowing air through hot paving grade bitumen.

The so-called blowing process results in harder bitumen that softens at a higher temperature than that at which paving grade bitumen softens.

Industrial bitumens also have more rubber like properties and their viscosities are much less affected by changes in temperature than is the case with paving grade bitumen.

PROPERTY UNIT 85/25 95/25 90/40 115/15 STANDARD
Specific Gravity at 250c   1.01-1.05 1.01-1.05 1.01-1.05 1.01-1.05 ASTM D-70
Penetration at 250c, 100gm, 5 sec 0.1 MM 20/30 20/30 35/45 10/20 ASTM D-5
Softening Point, Ring & Ball 0c 80/90 90/100 85/95 110/120 ASTM D-36
Ductility at 250c, after TFOT, MIn CM 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ASTM D-113
Loss on HEating, MAX 0c 260 260 260 260 ASTM D-92
Solubility in CS@, Min % Wt 99 99 99 99 ASTM D-4